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FCA offers courses to meet endorsements in all areas. There are specific course requirements in the foundation curriculum based on the Endorsement selected; however, most students meet the requirement of multiple endorsements without making a special effort to do so. Students should select electives that will best prepare the student for the post-secondary goals they aim to pursue.

A student may elect to graduate without an endorsement under the high school foundation program with school administrator approval after the student’s sophomore year. The student and the student’s parent or guardian must be advised by the school administration of the benefits of graduating with one or more endorsement and the student’s parent or guardian must file written permission with the high school allowing the student to graduate without an endorsement. A student may earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement by successfully completing the curriculum required for the Foundation Program and successfully completing the following:

The curriculum requirements for one or more Endorsement(s) to include a coherent sequence of courses that are content specific to the chosen endorsement

Additional coursework to include:

● Four credits in mathematics, including Algebra II

● Four credits in approved science courses.


Foundation High School Program + Endorsement (22 credits) Endorsements are described in detail in the “Fresno Department of Education School District Graduation Guide for the Class of 2023 & Beyond”

The curriculum requirements for one or more endorsement(s) to include a coherent sequence of courses that are content specific to the chosen endorsement

Additional coursework to include

● Four credits in mathematics

● Four credits in approved science courses

Foundation High School Program (FHSP) (22 credits) This option is the minimum graduation program available. However, it is not available until after the completion of the sophomore year. Changing to this graduation program will require parent and administrative approval in writing. Parents and students need to understand graduating on this program may not meet college or university entrance requirements.

Endorsement Pathways The endorsement pathways listed below are for illustration purposes. Students do not need to take every course listed under each sequence, nor are these prescribed sequences for students these are recommended sequences only. There are many options in each endorsement and in each pathway. The default graduation plan for all FCA students leads to the Distinguished Level of Achievement, which requires Algebra. II to be in the math sequence of the student’s endorsement plan.

©2023 by Fresno California Academy

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